When the library was built years ago and the landscaping was put in, I signed up to take care of the area to the left of the front door, despite the fact that I cannot keep up with my huge garden at home. A couple of times each season, I pull the weeds and maybe put seaweed on it, or a few extra bulbs in it. I just spent 45 minutes taking out the dandelions and thistles in this area. Now I need your help, before the rest go to seed. One flower makes hundreds of new dandelions. With all due respect to the beauty of a field full of blooming yellow flowers, they are pests in the landscape. It has appeared the last couple of years that everyone else who originally volunteered has given up on the dandelions. Maybe you didn’t sign up for anything but would like to help. I would like to challenge other Haines gardeners with a dandelion tool to spend even a few minutes each working out from the front door to help remove them. You could also use a trowel. Just go as deep as you can to remove as much of the root as you can. The beauty of our professional landscaping is hiding behind all these lovely yellow blooms.
Donna Catotti