Monday, Feb. 23

A person asked police to conduct a welfare check on a person living near FAA Road. An officer found the person was fine.

Several people reported the sound of repetitive gunshots or fireworks near the intersection of Small Tracts and Mud Bay roads. An officer responded but was unable to locate the noise source.

Sunday, Feb. 22

Troopers told dispatch a security gate on the Lutak fuel dock was open. Dispatch called personnel at the local fuel distributorship, who said they were waiting for a barge.

Saturday, Feb. 21

A caller reported an unattended walker on the sidewalk near Second Avenue and Main Street. The caller said the walker had been moved out of the way of pedestrians.

A Deishu Drive resident reported she believed all the employees at a Main Street business were going to beat up her brother. Dispatch asked the caller to have her brother call to talk with an officer.

A motorist reported a waterfall near 9 Mile Haines Highway was sending softball-sized rocks onto the road. Troopers responded but only found small rocks off the sides of the waterfall. State road crews were advised.

Traffic stops resulted in a warning for a broken taillight and a citation for failure to carry proof of insurance.

Friday, Feb. 20

A business near 0 Mile Haines Highway reported a vehicle parked there several days. An officer responded and contacted the owner, who referred the officer to the vehicle’s caretaker. The caretaker said the vehicle had broken down, but would be moved.

A First Avenue resident reported sometime between October and February someone had broken into the caller’s recreational vehicle. The caller said they didn’t believe anything was taken.

A person reported a large boulder in Lutak Road near the fuel dock. State road crews were advised.

A Fort Seward resident asked for help getting into a locked vehicle. Dispatch told the caller police couldn’t help with that due to liability. Dispatch provided a number for a local auto shop, which the caller refused, saying police should be able to help with lockouts.

Thursday, Feb. 19

No calls.

Wednesday, Feb. 18

Several callers reported a fight involving two men on Main Street. Officers responded, investigated and arrested a man for domestic violence assault.

A caller reported ravens getting into trash in the back of a pick-up truck parked in the pool parking lot. An officer responded and notified the owner.

Tuesday, Feb. 17

A resident reported a sinkhole on Well Field Road. Borough crews were advised.

A resident reported a dark gray bike appeared to have been abandoned near the post office.

A Fourth Avenue resident reported vehicles had been gone through during the weekend. Nothing was missing, but the caller wanted police to know.
