Monday, Jan. 19
A business owner reported someone broke into his sheds on West Fair Drive. The owner and an officer went to the property and assessed the damage. The owner is still determining if items were taken. Police think the incident may be tied to another theft reported on the property last month. The report was added to the existing investigation.
Sunday, Jan. 18
A Main Street business reported someone had broken in but nothing appeared missing. An officer and trooper responded.
A woman asked police to conduct a welfare check on her mother, whom she was unable to contact. An officer responded and made contact with the mother, who was visiting a neighbor.
Saturday, Jan. 17
Dispatch received a 911 call and could hear sounds of arguing in the background. No one responded or answered the dispatcher, and the phone was disconnected. Another person called and said people were arguing and yelling about fighting in front of a Main Street bar. Officers responded to the area and met with people at the business and determined the situation had resolved itself.
A caller asked police to conduct a welfare check on a family living near Young Road. Police responded.
A caller reported a group of intoxicated teenagers at the Haines High School homecoming dance at the school. Officers responded and contacted school officials, who said they hadn’t had any reports of intoxicated students and hadn’t observed anyone intoxicated.
Friday, Jan. 16
The Juneau Police Department contacted the Haines department and asked for help with a theft investigation at the Juneau Airport. The Juneau police believed a person reported to be in Haines was responsible. An officer was assigned.
Troopers asked police help with an arrest up the Haines Highway. Officers assisted.
A resident came to the station to report a phone scam call she had received. The person on the phone asked the woman to send $500 to claim a prize and asked for personal information. The call originated in Jamaica.
Thursday, Jan. 15
A caller reported rocks on Lutak Road across from the ferry terminal. State road crews responded and cleaned the road.
Callers reported the Haines Highway was very icy from 9 Mile to the border. State road crews were advised.
A library employee reported a break-in and theft. An officer responded and initiated a case.
Police served a civil packet on a Haines resident.
A caller reported his vehicle had been dented by another vehicle’s car door while parked in a lot between First and Second avenues. He asked for a report for insurance purposes.
Police served a civil packet on a Haines resident.
Customs officials at the border called police to check local warrants on two travelers.
A highway resident called to ask for help locating a relative who was hitchhiking home from Haines. The person called back 30 minutes later to report the man had been located and was safe.
A business manager reported a break-in and theft at his business near the intersection of Union Street and Fifth Avenue. Police responded and initiated a case.
An officer initiated a case for violation of a protective order.
A caller reported a vehicle collision in the parking lot near the intersection of Second Avenue and Main Street. The caller said two men were yelling at each other and police were needed. Officers responded, calmed the men down and obtained information for a report.
Wednesday, Jan. 14
An officer reported rocks in the road at 4.5 Mile Lutak Road. He removed them.
A motorist reported a vehicle collision in a parking lot near the intersection of Main Street and Sawmill Road. There was minor damage and no injuries. A n officer responded and made a report.
Tuesday, Jan. 13
An officer initiated a case for illegal dumping at the Small Boat Harbor after receiving a complaint from harbor personnel. A citation will be issued.
An officer reported rocks in the road near 4.5 Mile Lutak Road. He removed them.