Perhaps you miss the point of the Salvation Army, maybe even the public library. By breaking in and stealing from what appears to be innocuous, impersonal entities, you may have felt you were doing little harm; after all, how can the public need for a safe location to worship, or a safe location to read, be balanced by your desire to procure cash for drugs? Your inability to control your own, out-of-control desires has led you to steal from two of the very organizations that are solely here in Haines already for your, and everyone else’s, benefit. You are biting at the hand that feeds you. And, just like the short-sighted dog, your own poor decision-making skills are leading you down a dangerous path. I do not presume to speak for the library, but from my standpoint – I am a pastor after all – your theft has placed you squarely on the path away from salvation. You will be here, probably getting a voucher for something that your own greed and tumultuous life has led you to be short of, and I will provide it gladly. For I know what you apparently do not: unrepentant sin will lead to eternal damnation, and you deserve at least what comfort I can provide before that happens. Now, that is not a polite way of saying go to hell; rather, it is an opportunity for you to see the consequences of your actions, in 250 words or less.
Lt. David Kyle, Haines Salvation Army