It seems some people just do not get it. Libby Kurz can be worried about children and edibles all she wants to; Thousands of studies have shown marijuana is not toxic. It cannot kill you – not adults, children or animals. It would be nice if someone on the opposition team would give us names, dates, times and places and towns and states where these overdoses have happened. Death certificates are public record and they have yet to produce even one where the coroner actually stated marijuana as the cause of death. As far as overdose, Mrs. Kurz, it is not possible, mainly because marijuana does not affect the part of the central nervous system that controls breathing. And even if you found one, could you really base your opposition to a law on one, single death? You can overdose on drinking too much water easier than any human (adult or child) can on marijuana. We respect your concerns, Mrs. Kurz. Unfortunately, science and medicine cannot back your claims.
Dean Lari