The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel would like to thank all the community members, local dogs and volunteers who participated in our recent pet fashion show. We especially want to thank Mayor Stephanie Scott, Greg Podsiki and Kay Clements for judging the fashion show. As well as Joanne Waterman for being the auctioneer and Marty Fowler, who was master of ceremonies.
Our silent auction was very successful due to great donations from local businesses, including: Alaska Backcountry Outfitters, Babbling Book, Captain’s Choice, Haines Home & Garden, Haisler’s Hardware, Howsers IGA, Lutak Lumber, Miles Furniture, Mountain Market, Olerud’s Market and more.
Thanks again for all the support. We look forward to hosting similar community events in the future.
Steve Vick Executive Director, Haines Animal Rescue Kennel