I have read the articles in the paper about the possibility of a mine out the road, but continue to not see a few simple facts that should be thought on. Many letters have used older mines in their examples. What people need to remember is that those mines were opened before the regulations now in place were there. Those mines were likely stepping stones in those regulations being created. To open and operate a new mine today is not a simple task, because the Department of Environmental Conservation, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Forest Service and other agencies do not want to see those same mistakes made again (thankfully).

Older mines still operating do not always have perfect test results in their water samples because they are correcting the mistakes of the past. As long as they have continued progress in correcting the mistakes from the past in their sampling, the agencies allow them to continue to operate. Why? Because they are running their mines at today’s required environmental standards while continuing to correct the mistakes from yesteryears.

Do I want to see a mine opened that would ruin the environment I moved here to raise my family in? No! Do I believe that a mine can be opened today under the required environmental standards and operate safely? Yes! Take the time to find out what the agencies require and ask the company interested in opening what their environmental practices are, while looking at their history. Educate yourself.

                                                                 Helen R. Mooney
