After reading “Police Tactics Criticized,” I feel compelled to set the record straight. First, it is not “legal police procedure” to walk up without stating your cause and ask people to empty their pockets. Probable cause and a search warrant are the legal procedure. The mention that Ford “received several reports about (Lari)” would mean that considering I was a volunteer worker for KHNS and only there four to five hours, the whole place was doing meth or Simon Ford is making up BS to justify his actions. The “real” story and what Simon said or did not say is supposedly “on the audiotape Simon made of the whole incident,” according to police chief Gary Lowe. So now there are two audiotapes, one from Ford and one from the chief and me talking about the incident. Soon, when they are made public, everybody will learn that Ford did in fact state that two of the minors were involved in meth (“I know for a fact,” as he put it) and that Ford has a hard time with the truth. I have no choice but to seek legal action. Instead of, “Oops, I blew it. Sorry, Bear,” I must endure justification built on lies. The audiotapes tell the whole story (unless their existence was also a lie), so I challenge the Haines Police department to make the tapes public to end this dispute. Either I am telling the truth or Simon is. Dean “Bear” Lari
