The community birthday calendar will continue in Haines.
The Haines High School swim team is taking on the project and asks that orders and listings for 2012 be placed by Sept. 30.
“It’s the community calendar, by golly. We got to it late, but I like a challenge,” said coach Rae Ann Galasso. Call 303-7241 or e-mail [email protected] to place orders or listings. The calendar costs $9 and listings are 50 cents each.
Galasso said the team has been contacting those listed on the calendar, but encourages people not to wait for a call. “I’ve left a lot of messages, but if people jump the gun, that would be great.”
Besides birthdays and wedding anniversaries, residents list pet birthdays and anniversaries of business openings, Galasso said. “People get creative.”
Proceeds from sales will benefit team travel next year, Galasso said. This year’s team includes seniors Cascade Galasso, Jackie St. Clair, sophomore Kai Sato-Franks and freshman Keegan Sundberg.
Glacier Bear swim meets this season include one Friday at Sitka and the regional championship Oct. 29-30 in Sitka. Funds for travel this season included a sushi fund-raiser.
Galasso said the calendar became available just as the team was seeking a new fund-raising method.
The calendar was published for decades by the school’s junior class as a fund-raiser for the prom.