What twisted webs they weave.

Seems once some of our borough assembly members break the law rather than correct the mistake they compound it. On June 13, 2011 a special meeting was called to appoint someone in vacant seat “E.” This is called for by borough code and state law (Title 29). Both say, “Shall appoint.” Borough charter states, “Shall attempt to appoint.” State law overrules code and charter. When there was an impasse as to whom to seat, the assembly chose to ignore the Open Meetings Act by doing something other than what the meeting was called for. They voted to put the question on the Oct. 4 ballot. Oddly, that was already called for by the court, code and Title 29.

Take note on the ballot question to recall Daymond Hoffman and Joanne Waterman. In their response neither acknowledges the state law (Title 29).

Yes, other members are just as wrong. The voters can correct that. Worse yet, I personally handed the response of the state Division of Community and Regional Affairs to two members of the assembly. Still they chose to ignore the law.

By not following the law, the assembly and Mayor denied all borough residents proper representation. That is why the law is written the way it is.

Personally, I happen to like Daymond, yet will vote to recall both. We cannot allow anyone to deliberately break the law. 

Bill Kurz
