Regarding restricting my Chilkat Valley News letters to the editor to one per month, apparently my letters attempting to address local economic development, energy, community beautification and borough-related issues not normally found in your paper only demonstrates that you can and will control local news, personal views and ideas which could impact the viability of our town. CVN may have the largest circulation but their normal liberal views are not necessarily shared by a large segment of our residents. Based on your floating, flexible and frequently unpublished policies, my only option is to re-activate my blog at and continue writing articles for I hope readers who made comments about my previous letters will join and participate in discussions at these websites. We can freely share ideas and disseminate factual information to create a healthy viable community with a sustainable economy, and address community issues. Alaska’s Department of Labor December 2010 future Haines population projections are frightening and need examination. I understand CVN is a privately owned newspaper with limited printed space, but believe you have a good faith responsibility to disseminate balanced information and content in the best interest of our community. Last year we discussed a regular feature in your paper, but when I submitted a sample, editor Tom Morphet wanted a different “slant.” As a volunteer I am not willing to compromise my ethical standards. Hopefully the two mentioned websites noted above will not be deleted by CVN during their editing.

Joe Poor
