So, someone doesn’t vote your way and they are sore losers? Karen Hess would have probably been a reasonable addition to the assembly. However, when two members of the assembly immediately say that we will only vote for Karen Hess, at that point, the “line in the sand” had been drawn and did nothing but cause hackles to get up and a negative stance by others on their announcement. That provided the more problematic outcome than the three assembly members who didn’t vote for her. Now that’s democracy, not bullying. Actually, borough code should be changed on votes like this to be a “bare majority” as opposed to the present four out of five. Also, there should be a provision to have the Mayor vote to break ties or add to a measure of majority in “code” matters. June 14’s five remaining member assembly meeting went OK. Necessary business was accomplished. The people of Haines were served.
Jim Hebert