I’ve objected to the 1 percent dedicated tourism fund (tax) as both a fish processor and commercial fisherman for years. Processors and fisherman pay taxes to the borough with no strings attached. We pay taxes to have an infrastructure to support the needs of the community at large with services and institutions such as libraries, schools, museums, fire and police departments, roads, borough maintenance and management, etc. I’ve always felt the tourism industry should do the same. I would like to see the 1 percent tax used more for things that benefit the entire community. There has been discussion on what to do with the empty space left by the demolition of the old school and what’s left. Our community survey indicated a strong desire for a community center as one of the most popular wishes on the survey. Many cultures around the world have an open space, a garden, or park in their center where people can congregate or just sit and relax, stroll or play, with museums or libraries close by. Perhaps by combining these three elements – money, vision, and place – we could achieve something beautiful in the heart of Haines; a community center with landscaping, greenbelt, open space for all to enjoy. We have a classical setting with the library, the new school, the track and open fields in between, a small, precious patch of wet land that could be enhanced, and plenty of room for ideas. Our downtown beautification would have a center.

Brian O’Riley
