A huge thank you to all who participated in the benefit dinner and auction to help defray medical expenses. Thanks to Timi Katzeek, Connie Ward, and Colleen Jensen who spearheaded the benefit; the Oleruds for their donations; Tom Ward who helped with the cooking; the auction crew — Joanne Waterman, Phyllis Sage, Pam Sloper (who helped at the door also), Greg and Carol Goodman and Lisa Cone.
More thanks to all the individuals and businesses who donated auction items. Still more thanks to all those who made donations or bid on some really great items. Who knew turtle cheesecake was worth so much? So many wonderful people and businesses too numerous to list. I have so appreciated the prayers, cards, hugs and good wishes that have come to me these past few months. Haines is truly an amazing place to live. I am humbled, honored and so grateful for the generosity of so many.
Jana Berry