Forget-Me-Not Gallery will hold a grand opening noon to 4 p.m. Sunday at 209 Tower Road.

The small gallery is located in the uphill-side sun room of a sky-blue house across the street from Alaska Indian Arts. It’s operated by artist Debi Knight-Kennedy and will feature her creations exclusively.

“The idea right now is to keep it just my stuff. I make a lot of things, and I have a lot of ideas for others,” Knight-Kennedy said this week.

Gallery hours will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The shop will be open on cruise ship dockings and by appointment. Call 766-3572.

The gallery will feature handmade silver jewelry, original block prints and T-shirts featuring block-print designs, sculptures made of ivory, wood and found objects, and fine art puppets.

The sculptures – up to about as big as a breadbox – are representative of offerings Knight-Kennedy currently is showing in an exhibit at Sheldon Museum. The puppets feature minutely-carved hands and faces, and are operational, she said. “The idea is someone would put them in their home as fine art” and feature more detail than would be found in a show puppet, she said.

Knight-Kennedy’s work has shown in local galleries for 15 years. “It’s the first time for me having my own gallery. I’m liking it. It’s fun.” She is currently working on stories for children’s books and teaching herself how to illustrate them, she said.
