Vivian Menaker died Tuesday in Haines at age 90. Menaker was a champion of early childhood education, started the local Headstart program and Chilkat Valley Preschool, and helped create and lead Lynn Canal Conservation and Alaska Clean Water Alliance. A full obituary will be published in next week’s CVN.
Lexie Conley
Makenna Holly Blood was born Friday, May 28 in Fairbanks to Holly and Matthew Blood. Makenna weighed 7 lbs., 8 ozs. and measured19.5 inches. Makenna’s grandparents are Michele and Peter Wing and Barb and Jerry Blood. Michele is planning a visit next week. Barb and Jerry will visit later in June.
Jan Dubber is feeling better every day following surgery on her trachea by an airway specialist in Cincinnati, Ohio. Scar tissue in Jan’s windpipe had restricted her breathing for more than five years and nonsurgical treatments had become less effective. Two weeks after the surgery Jan and husband Leonard returned home to Haines where Jan was delighted to have the breath to mow the lawn and tackle spring cleaning projects. The procedure was close to Jan’s vocal chords so she’s adjusting to her "sultry" voice for the time being. Although her voice may take a few months to heal, Jan is delighted about how well she feels.
Barb Blood was paging through the June National Geographic feature on Greenland when she recognized a familiar face. Former Haines exchange student Aviaja "Avi" Lennert was pictured with her three children on the family farm where they grow grass for their 700 sheep. Avi stayed with Barb and Jerry Blood during the 1995-1996 school year and graduated with the class of 1996.
Windsor Schnabel celebrated his second birthday with friends at the beach along the Chilkat River. He was joined by his canine friends for sunset swimming and stick-chasing while their humans looked on. Windsor’s favorite dog sitters, including David Swift, also joined the party.
Matt Hawthorne is back from his winter surfing sojourn to Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. He explored Bangkok and the hills of Thailand with Adam Richards and met his dad, Jeff Hawthorne, in Thailand for two weeks. Their time together included a trek with elephant rides and coastal snorkeling. In Sri Lanka Matt hooked up with a group of surfers from Homer and decided to extend his trip by a month.
Bengta Hoffman
Kirk Stewart
Faith and Charlie Pease caught up with Haines news when they flew over from a cruise ship docked in Skagway on Memorial Day. They met friends at the Chilkat Bakery and Faith caught up with friend Char Olerud. Faith and Charlie ran the Rock Garden on Main Street when they lived here 30 years ago. Faith is a registered nurse and owner of the Hands of Peace massage therapy clinic in Bossier City, La. They now live in Shreveport.
The American Legion Auxiliary hosted a tea party May 16, headed by Kathryn Coleman and Nancy Coleman. Around 30 people came to socialize, and 11 members were initiated into the auxiliary. Officers installed were: President Nancy Coleman, First Vice President Kathryn Coleman, Secretary Teri Winge, Treasurer Elaine Pigott, Chaplain Carole Ridge, Sergeant-at- Arms Sherry Nason, and historians Maria Knutson and Shaye Otten.
Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Paul M. Lorentz, son of Faith and Ike Lorentz, recently reported for duty aboard the guided missile frigate USS Ingraham, home ported in Everett, Wash. Lorentz is a 2006 graduate of Haines High and joined the Navy in July 2006.
Park ranger Preston Kroes said volunteers at National Trails Day Saturday will work on the Battery Point Trail. "If we get three or we get 30, we’ll have a project for them." Volunteers can sign up on lists around town or phone Parks at 766-2292. Meet-up is 9 a.m. at Portage Cove Wayside.
is visiting brother Thad Stewart. He is helping out at Martha and Thad’s popular restaurant and caught up with his brother before Thad headed out to join a rebuilding effort in Haiti. was in town to visit friends and family for a week. Bengta stayed with mom Deanna Stout in Fort Seward and helped Deanna during the fair’s beer fest activities. She spent lots of time with her niece Cora Tulip as well as brother Daymond Hoffman.and Stuart DeWitt were married Sunday, May 30 at Terra Blanca Winery in Benton City, Wash. Lexie’s parents are Steve and Carrie Conley of Richland, Wash. Stuart’s parents are Charlie and Toni DeWitt of Haines. Sarah Elliott, Tiffany DeWitt and Becca Gibson were bridesmaids. Groomsmen were Andrew Friske, Kyle Conley, Jesse McGraw and Carl Blackhurst. Brian Elliott married the couple. Three-year-old Brooklyn DeWitt was the flower girl. Haines attendees included Heather Lende, her granddaughter Carolyn Elliott, Terry and Sylvia Friske, Becky and Don Nash, Nancy, Roger and Parker Schnabel and Ryan Sparks. The ceremony was held outside the winery’s barrel caves and guests dined on salmon and halibut Stuart caught for the event. Lexie and Stuart are honeymooning on the Big Island of Hawaii and will host a Haines reception June 18.