A trapper at 37 Mile is being incautious about where they’re setting snares and is luring our pets into getting caught, seriously injured and possibly dying.  

A dog was rescued out of a snare by its owner and its life was saved. Not even 1/4 mile from its own driveway.

This is not anyone’s private trapping wilderness. People live out here and love their pets.

There are 33 dogs between the border and 32 Mile and we walk our dogs along the highway. A  dog can sniff a scent 100,000 times better than a human, (that’s many miles) so leaving rotten bait 60-70 feet from the highway lures our pets away from our homes to be caught or hit by a car.

You do this so you won’t have to struggle in the snow to get to your suffering prize. It’s very unethical and giving all trappers a bad name. Get a snowmachine and a pair of snowshoes.

Carrie Kinison
