Haines Borough code 2.74.035 A. 2. Borough Officers states that, “If it is found that there are qualified applicants, the assembly shall short-list, interview and hire the most qualified person with the best qualifications.”  

The assembly violated that code at their Nov. 12 meeting when assembly members Stickler, acting as deputy mayor, Clement, Smith, and Thomas voted 4-2 to hire Mr. Zimmerman, who lacked the depth of managerial experience and qualifications that Mr.  Rieseberg had.  

To provide transparency on this very important assembly decision to the public, assembly  member Forster requested that his colleagues give their reasons for choosing the less qualified candidate, Mr. Zimmerman. Most seemed focused more on his character traits than on his  experience. But as Forster noted, all of the qualities his colleagues attributed to Mr. Zimmerman were also qualities that Mr. Rieseberg demonstrated. 

What are the consequences for assembly members who violate Haines Borough code? A  requirement to reconsider their vote in order to hire the “most qualified person with the best  qualifications”?  

Since Mr. Rieseberg withdrew his application for any future consideration after that meeting,  we are back to just the one candidate who is therefore the most qualified candidate. Hopefully,  Mr. Zimmerman will be a wonderful manager for Haines’ needs. 

I don’t know whose job it is to inform the assembly of code that they are required to follow but I ask that in the future, Haines Borough code is followed. 

Katey Palmer
