I am deeply grateful for the service of Natalie Dawson on the Haines Borough Assembly this past year. And I am grateful she has chosen to run again this time around.

It’s clear that Natalie Dawson cares about this community, the land, the health of our watersheds and salmon runs, the valley’s wildlife and its habitat, parks and trails, the budget, the pocketbooks of taxpayers, and the infrastructure we need to stay an economically viable community. She is respectful to all and stands out as being the one to most help keep the public informed and included in important communications loops.

Dawson does her research, asks excellent questions, and persists until she gets answers.  In her capacity as Assembly member, she keeps the public updated on critical information and public processes. She is creative, has excellent administrative experience, and seeks solutions to problems.

True leaders like this are rare in today’s world. Please reelect Natalie Dawson to the Haines Borough Assembly.

Kathleen Menke
