(Rashah McChesney/Chilkat Valley News) Tom Ganner and Melina Shields hold up a pair of Haines pilot Sam Wright’s boxers which were shot from a cannon as part of a day of events to commemorate his life on Saturday, August 24, 2024, in Haines, Alaska. Shields guessed that they’d fly 156 feet and Ganner 150., they landed at 153.
(Rashah McChesney/Chilkat Valley News) Dozens of people attended a cannon blast memorializing Haines pilot Sam Wright on Saturday, August 24, 2024, in Haines, Alaska.

Dozens of people turned out for the final hurrah of Haines pilot Sam Wright’s memorial service last Saturday. The group gathered to guess how far a pair of his boxers would fly if shot from the cannon at Fort Seward. Ultimately, they sailed 153 feet. Tom Ganner, who guessed 150 feet,  and Melina Shields, who guessed 156 feet, split the win. Wright was the cannoneer for years at the fort and the annual bloomer blast was a tradition he presided over. 

Luck and Brittany Dunbar recently drifted a subsistence net on the Chilkat River at 21 mile. Luck Dunbar said not only was the weather beautiful, the river provided the family with some fresh sockeye pack and smoke bellies. Additionally Archie and Huxley Dunbar got to learn the ways of the river harvest. 

Local artist and entrepreneur Amelia Nash is taking her show on the road to Skagway. She’s got a show opening on Aug. 31 at the Skagway Spirits Distillery. She’s used resin, paper ephemera and found objects to create glossy three-dimensional collages and assemblages.

The Haines Economic Development Corporation won a $5,000 grant to create a community outdoor initiative. With an additional $1,000 match, HEDC will create an outdoor recreation guide for the Chilkat Valley. Executive Director Cindy Zuluaga Jimenez said starting in January they’ll also be partnering with the public library for monthly outdoor activities including birding, hiking, packrafting, biking, kayaking and camping trips. 

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