Assembly member Kevin Forster. (Chilkat Valley News file photo)

Property data in parcel viewer

Assembly member Kevin Forster introduced a substitute version of an ordinance that would, among other changes, allow property owners to view assessment information through the borough’s website.

The borough’s parcel viewer currently allows users to access information about properties including owner, value, and property size. Under the proposed ordinance, property owners would be able to access more detailed information about how their property was assessed from that website. Forster sits on the property tax assessment ad hoc committee, which has been meeting since last year to develop fixes for what many saw as a flawed assessment process last year. Critics of the system said property owners had difficulty accessing information that was used in their tax assessments, which in some cases rose sharply.

“This fixes a lot of the issues the ad hoc committee had,” Forster said. 

Southeast Road Builders appeal to be reheard

Borough Clerk Alekka Fullerton announced her resignation during an assembly meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in Haines, Alaska. (Lex Treinen/Chilkat Valley News)
Borough Clerk Alekka Fullerton announced her resignation during an assembly meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in Haines, Alaska. (Lex Treinen/Chilkat Valley News)

The assembly voted to rehear an appeal from Southeast Road Builders about a permit the planning commission canceled for a gravel staging area on Lutak Road. Southeast Road Builders filed an appeal with the borough and in the state court system over the issue. Borough clerk Alekka Fullerton said a vacant staff position led to a delay in getting information to assembly and to Southeast Road Builders.

“If we had a planner on staff, he would have sent a letter of denial to Southeast Road Builders and a letter of vacation, neither of which happened because we don’t have a planner,” she said.

Natalie Dawson at an April 9, 2024 borough assembly meeting in Haines, Alaska. (Lex Treinen/CVN)
Natalie Dawson at an April 9, 2024 borough assembly meeting in Haines, Alaska. (Lex Treinen/CVN)

The planner quit last month and the position hasn’t been advertised. The assembly voted to rehear the vacation of the permit by the planning commission at the next regular meeting in two weeks over the objections of member Natalie Dawson, who argued the body should consult with its attorney to determine its legal liability.  Dawson’s husband, Eben Sargent, is on the planning commission. 

Tax exemption, ore containerization, meeting time change ordinances introduced

An ordinance that would require any ore being shipped through the borough be containerized was introduced and will be heard at the next two assembly meetings. The ordinance, by member Ben Aultman-Moore and Gabe Thomas, states that “metallic fugitive dust from unsealed ore shipment poses risk to sensitive river and ocean habitat essential for anadromous fish health.” One member of the public raised concerns about the wording of the ordinance, which he said didn’t make clear whether covering a truck with a tarp would suffice.

“I would suggest a more detailed look at what a sealed container actually is,” said Eric Holle. 

Senior tax exemption

Borough Manager Annette Kreitzer (Lex Treinen/Chilkat Valley News)
Borough Manager Annette Kreitzer (Lex Treinen/Chilkat Valley News)

Another ordinance to extend senior tax exemption for seniors and disabled veterans earnings are less than 135% of poverty level was introduced. Borough manager Annette Kreitzer said her understanding was that the ordinance wouldn’t apply until next year’s tax cycle.

Chief Financial Officer Jila Stuart said it was unclear how much the exemption would cost the city, since nobody had ever applied for the current hardship exemption, based on her knowledge. Mayor Tom Morphet’s legislation to change the regular meeting times of the assembly to 6 p.m. instead of 6:30 was also introduced and set for public hearing. 
