Dear Haines Community, Including Mayor Morphet, Borough Assembly Members, and Borough Administration:

Please choose a scaled-down Lutak Dock alternative 3B that will provide continued freight and fuel service to Haines, without throwing open the door for large-scale ore export.

We are tired of over-built infrastructure projects based on predetermined designs in search of after-the-fact justifications. Haines has a half-finished boat harbor expansion still lacking additional boat slips, with a 4-plus-acre parking lot which lies fallow more than half the year. For years we contended with a proposed Juneau Road which would not have served the needs of Northern Lynn Canal residents. The ferry terminal facility is twice its needed size. Meanwhile the Letnikof Dock — a proven resource for commercial and sports fishermen — is out of commission. Our townsite streets and sidewalks are crumbling. We have insufficient equipment to clean up the roads come spring, and keep them that way… etc, etc, etc.

We experienced the reality — dust, noise, vibration, threats to pedestrian and other vehicle traffic — of relentless large-capacity trucks hauling rock and gravel this past summer: Beginning at 5:30 a.m., six trucks made two round trips each hour — one truck passing by nearly every two minutes.

Anne Boyce and Paul Swift