Monday, January 15
An injured moose was reported.
A vehicle was stuck in the snow on Young Road.
A vehicle was reported blocking the road on Small Tracts.
Tuesday, January 16
Caller reported an attempt to defraud.
A vehicle was reported blocking fire hydrant access on Main Street.
A tree was reported blocking the highway at about 32 Mile.
Wednesday, January 17
A dog was found running loose.
A tree limb was reported in the road at about 2.5 Mile.
A lost dog was reported on Tower Road.
A business advised they issued a verbal trespass order.
A caller reported a dog was struck by a vehicle on Front Street.
Thursday, January 18
An abandoned vehicle was reported on private property.
Caller was provided with transportation and overnight housing assistance.
Caller reported footprints in the snow outside their residence.
Caller expressed concern that a dispute over money would escalate.
A man was reported loitering in a closed portion of the Chilkat Center.
Friday, January 19
A caller with questions regarding eviction was referred to the court.
There were one 911 hang-ups, three canine calls, five EMS calls and six traffic stops during this reporting period.