Two very different candidates are vying for Haines Borough’s mayoral seat. Jan Hill — highly experienced in seats of power, serious about politics, possessing a guarded political style, and playing things “close to the vest.” Tom Morphet — gregarious, a writer and storyteller by trade, neither guarded nor political in his personal style. Jan Hill has repeatedly campaigned as a voice for “common sense” as if more of the same conventional wisdom or thinking would solve our problems. My experience with Jan has been that she appears to be listening, but is highly selective in whose arguments she actually hears. That personal trait seriously hamstrings her ability as a solver of complex problems — and Haines is a very diverse place with many perspectives and complex issues.

First as a young reporter, then as a newspaper publisher, Tom Morphet eked out a living here as a writer. Journalists work under a deadline, tell the story, catch their breath on the weekend and jump in again—week after week, year after year. In this work—which is absolutely foundational to honest, inclusive self-governance — Tom occasionally ruffled some feathers, or perhaps he didn’t always get some detail quite right. One thing for sure, Tom Morphet has been courageous and steadfast in telling truth to power. He is compassionate, naturally curious, and willing to hear everyone. Haines needs a Mayor who is not hamstrung by conventional wisdom. Tom Morphet is highly skilled, understands and loves the Chilkat Valley, and will make a terrific Haines Borough Mayor.