There are still plenty of open seats in the upcoming Haines Borough elections with just days to go before the close of the candidate filing deadline.

Borough clerk Alekka Fullerton said a total of nine people had been certified to run for the 14 open seats.

So far, Tom Morphet, former editor and publisher of CVN, is the only candidate certified in the mayoral election. Morphet previously served on the assembly in 2016.

“If there’s a core platform it’s to get people living year round and shopping in Haines,” said Morphet in a phone interview from Pennsylvania, where he was visiting family.

He said he planned to run a “serious and aggressive campaign” based on door-knocking, but said he didn’t plan to spend more than $5,000. “I’m not a rich man,” he said.

Jan Hill previously told CVN she was considering running again. Current Mayor Douglas Olerud said he will not file to run again.

Three seats are also open on both the school board and assembly, which are both elected on staggered terms.

Craig Loomis and Burl Sheldon both were certified for the assembly election.

Seven seats are also open on the planning commission, which will be elected for the first time in October. Planning commissioners were previously chosen by the Mayor, but a citizens’ initiative spurred by discontent over its decisions passed in the spring to make commissioners elected.

Richard Clement, currently a planning commissioner, was certified to run for reelection. Scott Hansen, Derek Poinsette, Brian O’Riley, Joe Parnell and Dan Schultz also were certified to run for the commission.

Fullerton had advised the borough to stagger the election of the planning commissioners, but proponents of the measure said the ballot initiative language made it clear that all seven members should be up for election this fall.

Fullerton said the current lack of candidates doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be enough candidates in the election.

“It is typical that people wait till the last minute in the Haines Borough to submit, and there is no reason to wait for the last minute,” she said.

If not, people could still run a write-in campaign if they file five days before the Oct. 3 election. If no candidates run, the borough assembly will solicit letters of interest for candidates on the assembly, school board and planning commission. It’s unclear what would happen if nobody ran for Mayor.

“I don’t think we have a mechanism for filling the vacancy of a mayor,” she said.

This story has been updated with new information about certified candidates.
