As a general rule I stay away from participating in national elections. Who did you vote for? The Repugnant Pumpkin or the Babbling Corpse. Not folks I feel share my interests. State politics aren’t really my thing either. In fact governments aren’t really my thing. With that said I’ve always felt small local governments are where democracy just might have a chance. Well, to say the least I was wrong. This can be seen through the issuing of a heli permit to Mr. Campbell. One of the requirements that need to be met are comments from affected property owners who are given their due weight. In this case an overwhelming majority of property owners disapproved of the issuance of a heliport permit. Over 20 property owners signed an appeal (two of them could probably spit on Mr. Campbell’s runway from their front porch). The permit was still granted. Sorry but an overwhelming majority of property owners disapproving of a borough issued permit is significant and should hold a lot of weight in this matter but our voices seemed to fall on deaf ears. It’s a strange feeling when a majority is meaningless. Where does one go from here?

All I know for sure is I love the place I live and often hunt, ride bikes, and walk with my family around the neighborhood and if Mr. Campbell starts running a commercial operation out of our neighborhood, it’s going to affect our daily lives tremendously.

Josh Grimm