Andrew Letchworth of the Haines Chamber of Commerce and Cindy Jimenez of the Haines Economic Development Corporation host a public coffee hour twice a month. They invite residents to join them “to discuss, explore and share all things related to the economy of Haines.” The one-hour meet-up starts at 8 a.m. on second Mondays of the month at Rusty Compass and on fourth Mondays at Mountain Market.
Eira Brighid Iacocca Humphrey was born to Allison Iacocca and Evan Humphrey at 3:03 p.m. Feb. 1 at La Clinica Birth Center in Silver City, N.M. She weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. and measured 18 inches. Eira means snow in Welsh. She is the couple’s first child. Evan is a self-employed remodeling contractor. Allie is a social worker taking a year off. They’ve lived near extended family in Silver City for eight years. Eira’s grandparents are Dan Humphrey and Gina St. Clair.
Jean McRae Clayton died Feb. 4 at the Juneau Pioneer’s Home, with daughters Jan Hill, Kathy Berzanske and Sue Clayton by her side. “She died peacefully,” Jan said. “We decided she wanted to dance with Dad to the Tennessee Waltz on their 75th anniversary, which was the next day.” A celebration of life is scheduled for May 13. An obituary is pending. Cards to family can be sent care of Jan Hill, Box 541, Haines, AK 99827.
Haines resident and mountain guide Harry Subertas won the running division of the 2023 Susitna 100, a grueling 100-mile wilderness trek in Big Lake, Alaska. His time of 26 hours, 16 minutes was slowed by wet, boggy snow. Other event participants included Barb and Jerry Blood’s son Matt Blood and Boyce Tyler of Hoonah, who has friends in Haines. Competitors in the Susitna 100 can run, bicycle or ski 100 miles over hill and dale.
Master carver Wayne Price of Haines joined a team of Alaska Natives and University of Alaska-Southeast officials at a symposium on repatriation and decolonization at Princeton University on Feb. 10. The prestigious university is home to about 300 cultural artifacts from Southeast Alaska. “It was a good visit to open doors of communication,” Price said this week. “More communication has to be done, but it was a good start.” Other team members included Tlingit author and professor Ernestine Hayes, Tlingit artist Guna Megan Jenson, UAS School of Arts and Sciences Dean Carin Silkaitis, UAS art professor Liz Zacher and UAS Tlingit language program coordinator Judith Ramos. Wayne works as an associate professor at UAS.
Karthik Subramaniam’s “Dance of the Eagles,” a photo of bald eagles jousting for position at the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, won the grand prize in National Geographic’s Pictures of the Year Contest. It will be published in the May edition of the printed magazine. The shot, that includes four eagles, topped other photos of wildlife and nature taken in Austria, Mongolia, Peru and Antarctica.
Janine Allen, Shannon Stevens, Steve Auch and Rebecca Kameikas traveled to Skagway Saturday, taking in a performance of Gnat King Kong at the Eagles Hall.
Melvin W. Harvey died Jan. 22 in Fairbanks at the age of 79. He was the husband of former Haines Borough clerk Karen Harvey. Mel worked as a miner, millhand, commercial diver and Alaska public school teacher. He is survived by Karen, who lives in Nenana. A celebration of life was held Feb. 2 in Nenana.
Three spots are still open on the Girls on the Run program. Girls in grades 3-5 are eligible for the five-week program that promotes self-confidence, camaraderie and athleticism. Kari Johnson, Summer Lynch, Genny Rietze and Ali Gustavson are program coaches. Scholarships are available to cover the $100 entry fee.
After a one-year hiatus for COVID-19, the 36th annual Buckwheat Ski Classic returns to Skagway and Log Cabin, B.C. on the weekend of March 10-12. The Nordic loppet, which attracts skiers from Alaska and the Yukon, features races at 10K, 25K and 50K. A pre-race breakfast and post-race banquet are held in Skagway. Go to
