On snow shoeing into Lily Lake this week I noticed a public notice on the gate. It is at a gate about 50-100 ft through fairly deep snow not on the road or at the water building where it could be read by more people. It is in the Post Office but not in color so I almost missed it. Something of this nature should be published in the paper for a few weeks to give people time to comment.
During the winter when I am home, I travel this trail almost daily. I snowshoe there as my dogs can be dogs and I won’t get in the way of traffic or get run down by traffic. Four dogs make a wide walking path. Snowshoers build the trail after a snow storm. This year has been more difficult than normal due to the amount of snow, but still fun and good exercise. Most trails are too steep for this amount of snow, at least for me. Skiers don’t like snow shoes on their trails so I have stayed away from their trails. Please let us have Lily Lake Road during winter free of motorized vehicles.
One last comment is there is almost no parking there this winter which means there would be no place to park the vehicles to off load the snowmobile or ATV, which means more traffic up FAA. On dump days it is very busy and this will only add to an already over taxed road.
Lucy Tate