After the Mayor at the last Borough Assembly Meeting on Oct. 26 introduced Ordinance 21-10-598 to remove the limit on the number of heliski permits, we were given a lecture on the merits of Free Enterprise by member Stickler. She espoused the virtue of letting business and commerce grow unimpeded; the government’s role is to stay out of the way.

Never mind the impacts to wildlife, natural peace and quiet, other public land users, current permit holders, safety in the wilderness, it’s Business Uber Alles! Let the market determine the future, dog eat dog, competition is good for all. No matter that we already have 3 permit holders competing for limited terrain and snow conditions; bring it on, more is better.

We must continue to advocate for what I believe the majority in our community wants, which is a balanced winter recreation economy, protection of wildlife, peace and quiet in our residential neighborhoods, places to go for natural quiet in the wilderness, respect for non-motorized recreationists, and recognition that we can’t just keep piling on; less is better, quality over quantity.

We are standing on a steep unstable slope and an avalanche is about to let loose on us. We must plan and make decisions based on the overall wellbeing of the lands and people within our borough boundaries, not decisions based on ideological, economic and political hyperbole.

Thom Ely
