Dear Helen,

Your letter in last week’s paper did not break my spirit, but I felt compelled to offer a rebuttal. For two years it has been trying times for the world. Instead of the hatred shown, a more constructive thing to do would have been to build someone’s confidence. Everyone has good qualities if you just put thought into them. Brenda is not the monster you spoke of making backroom deals. She is direct, concise, clear about her intentions and, most important, honest. If you look back through the assembly, parks and recreation advisory committee and planning commission minutes you will see how much she accomplished while serving.

You could tell Brenda always read her packets. She came to those meetings prepared and voted with a clean conscience. I enjoyed working with you, Helen, when you worked in the admin building. I don’t feel that you should have spoken for the other borough employees. I don’t think you asked them their opinion. Given a chance, they probably would’ve asked you to keep them out of it. I admire your sense of calm and the kindness you showed to visitors and the positive energy you put into other tasks that were asked of you. You also have had a few difficult years and I hope things get better for you. Please, everyone, put a little thought into those you disagree with before you slam them in the face with public humiliation. We’re all in this. We can do better.

Jessie Badger
