Here’s my shout-out to the process that led to the very first local public piece that I’m aware of that expresses something other than MSM (mainstream media) regarding covid. Additionally, I’m grateful to people, quoted in this newspaper, who were not interested in taking the injection back when the injections were coming along and most people, but not all, were taking them. I’m also grateful to KHNS reporters, the interviewee and interviewer, for their report on an actual local case. Thanks so much for breaking the secrecy around what it’s like to have covid.

Right now my “hooray” goes to the local parents who don’t want masks in school, to Kyle Clayton for reporting that point of view, to someone who didn’t like reading that POV and complained to Kyle, AND to Kyle who did some real homework and wrote and published his follow-up piece, “Don’t be symbol-minded.” This is what thoughtful people do who express things other than MSM: they study legitimate sources and report on the discrepancies they find.

This is a virus folks. Researchers have found that the microbiome makes up 57% of a human’s total cell count. We’re 57% bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. They fill every nook and cranny of our bodies. Did you catch the word “viruses”? We’d all be dead without viruses; some of us, not all, would die with SARS-CoV-2. Even SEARHC has a treatment in monoclonal antibodies. There are other legitimate treatments; if only we had a government not virtually outlawing them.

Evelyna Vignola
