I’m sorry my previous letter to the editor about the Fort Seward buildings was so harsh. I apologize to Port Chilkoot Company members and their friends who were put out. I was trying to get you, the editor, to realize this is an interesting story. I didn’t go talk to the company in part because they don’t have an office where you can just walk in and talk to someone. It is true, I could have found Lee, and I would have noted with appreciation his contributions to the arts and humanities. But I felt the time for talk with regards to the buildings has passed and someone needs to do something. I don’t want to look at deteriorating buildings in Fort Seward for the next forty years and we the people shouldn’t have to. How do you say that nicely? The only power I have is to write letters to the editor, so that is what I did. Maybe I could have been more businesslike or not as public but I didn’t think that would do anything and I am hoping someone will do something.
Joe Parnell