I came to Haines to enjoy personal freedoms and the beautiful but dangerous world around it. Geologists will tell you that over time, precipitation will result in mountains being brought down to the sea – I understood this when I bought my property. I understood the potential risk of landslides. Just as I understand the risk of earthquakes, falling trees, avalanches, bears, tsunamis and fires. We don’t need million dollar studies just to tell us these are risks. A person must consider these risks when they decide where to live, but it is our right to make the decision. Fear has a lot of power. Fear has always been a strong tool for controlling people. The Haines Borough government is using fear to keep me from my home. I understand there is financial incentive to continue to try and keep the emergency alive. I understand they make money from studies and grants associated with the landslide, I understand the fear of liability. But I don’t understand holding people’s homes, savings and livelihoods hostage while working behind closed doors. I don’t understand not including the affected people when working on a solution. We don’t close down the harbor every time someone dies in the ocean, the roads when they are icy. I could go on and on. If you don’t want me to live in my home, then buy it, but otherwise release me from limbo and get your hands off my property. Work with us – but don’t assume you know what’s best for us.

Todd Winkel
