A 55-year-old man who called the SEARHC clinic and threatened to “shoot the place up and burn it to the ground” if he didn’t get an appointment with a doctor was arrested last week for terroristic threatening in the second degree—a class C felony. He was released from jail the following day after an appearance in court.
On Wednesday, Jan. 20, the man called the clinic asking to speak to an emergency doctor and said he was thinking about hurting himself. A clinic receptionist told police the man became increasingly agitated while on the phone. He complained about police “transferring him to all these people” and declined to provide his name to the receptionist.
“That is not going to happen,” the man said after being asked what his name was. “I can’t tell you that. Do you want me to come there and shoot you all up? That is what I would do if you make me give you my name…I need to talk to an emergency doctor.”
SEARHC administrators put the clinic on lockdown after the call. Police said the man had also called dispatch several times over the preceding night, “complaining and yelling at dispatch” employees.
Officer Brayton Long and chief Heath Scott contacted the man at his home where they arrested him.
At his court appearance Jan. 21, the man was released on conditions that he not possess any weapons, refrain from contact with the clinic except for emergency reasons and obey trespass orders for Haines Quick Shop, Outfitter Sporting Goods, Alaskan Liquor and Howser’s IGA. His next court date is March 26.
Scott said any public concern over his behavior can be managed.
“In saying that, I do not want to minimize the severity of his actions, or fail to recognize that he scared a great many of our community’s most valuable caregivers at a time where they are already under a great deal of stress. I believe alcohol played a significant factor in the event,” Scott said. “His ability to follow the court’s direction will determine his outcome. Continued threats will not be tolerated by me, the officers of the department or this community.”
In other crime news, a 35-year-old Haines woman was indicted last week for misconduct including a controlled substance in the second degree, a class B felony, for the possession and intent to deliver 2.5 grams of methamphetamine in June 2019.
The woman’s court proceedings will occur in Superior Court in Juneau.