I’m a displaced resident on Beach Road. We’re trying to cope with the landslide’s aftermath. We realize there are different perspectives on this situation – from people in the red and green zones, people who lost their houses, and from the borough with concerns about liability.
Residents are trying to save the homes on Beach Road and prevent ongoing damage. They’ve been hauling rotting food out by hand, trying to keep houses dry and mold-free, plowing the road, maintaining trail access, and shuttling people and materials with small boats.
We appreciate everyone’s help, but what residents can do is limited. We would like Haines Borough to help us directly with this. So far, they have not and it has been six weeks since the slide. We understand the usefulness of studies, but time is of the essence here. Spring is coming, with potentially more water damage and hungry bears breaking into houses. The borough could do things now such as facilitate safe access by land or by boat – at a minimum we need borough permission and logistical help to do this safely. The borough could help us remove rotting food and mitigate ongoing water and mold damage to homes. The borough could supply us with generators and fuel if power lines cannot be reinstalled. The borough could help with funding and permission to remove vehicles. All of these things are doable, and need to be done as soon as possible.
We really need help with this. Thank you.
Michael Balise