Ninety residents braved blizzard conditions to receive a flu vaccine at the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium’s final clinic of the year. In total, 565 people received free vaccinations at the four drive-through flu shot clinics the organization hosted in the Chilkat Valley this fall–250 at the first Haines clinic, 50 in Klukwan, 135 at the school clinic and 90 this past Saturday. Clinic administrator Stephanie Pattison said Haines had a high rate of participation in the free flu shot clinics compared to other communities in the consortium. She said she thinks this is because residents are concerned about a second wave of COVID-19 and want to do their part to keep flu cases from taking up valuable medical resources. She said those who haven’t received a flu shot can still get vaccinated by setting up an appointment at the Haines Health Center. There may be a cost associated with the visit depending on insurance. Author Chilkat Valley News View all posts