Whether it happened an hour ago or three thousand years ago, it is history. Scholars and others who seek wisdom study history. Those who do not will repeat the same actions with similar results.

No matter how many statues we tear down or how many streets, buildings, military installations we rename the one sure thing about history is that it cannot be changed. I hope I never have the courage to attack an inanimate object such as a statue that cannot defend itself. Maybe we should stop naming inanimate objects after people.

P.S. I have just heard that we have a “new” weapon in the fight against history. It’s called banning books and movies.

P.P.S. I have just heard that legislation has been introduced in Congress to require desecration of graves of confederate soldiers buried in national cemeteries. Oh well. Once one has started down the path of emotional and irrational actions no one is sure where it will lead.

Bob Lix
