Next week, Canadian environmental consultants hired by Constantine Metal Resources will visit Haines to interview community members in an effort to define their questions, concerns, and topics of interest on a potential mine in the Chilkat Valley.

Hemmera, a Whitehorse consulting firm, will send researchers Shena Shaw (who was one of three speakers at Constantine’s Mining Forum last year) and Emily Mann to Haines on Dec. 4-6 to conduct the interviews.

The purpose of the interviews is to define key interests and preferred methods for addressing them, Constantine spokesperson Liz Cornejo said. “What’s in that basket of common interests or high interests so we can help gain information on those things?”

She said some people might want more information about impacts to fish ecology, and others might want more information on potential job opportunities.

Then, researchers will try to answer, “what methods of engagement will people prefer for addressing those concerns?” Cornejo said. “Big meetings? Do they want Constantine to bring experts in, or have more studies done?”

Interested individuals or organizations can contact Mann at [email protected] or at 867-546-4865 to schedule an interview. Once confirmed, the company will send more information about the topics. The interview structure will contain general questions “that allow for free-flowing conversation,” according to a letter from Hemmera.

Constantine employees won’t be present in the interviews, but will receive a list of participants and a summary of key topics and suggested strategy for community engagement moving forward.

Cornejo said that data from the interviews will help her plan 2020 community outreach programs.

Hemmera researchers will return to Haines the week of Jan. 27 to carry out additional interviews. Cornejo said the company is not contracted to work past January, but that may change in the upcoming budget cycle.

She said it’s only the first step in a multi-year community engagement process.
