Andrea Hedrick and Herky Deppner were married Dec. 30, 2011 in a sunset ceremony on Canova Beach in Melbourne, Fla. The bride is the daughter of Susan and Fred Johnston of Haines and Cynthia and Jim Hedrick of Bedford, Va. The groom is the son of Hannah and Mike Deppner, formerly of Juneau. The flower girl was Sharayah Jo Chapman, the groom’s niece. The ring bearer was Trinity Alfrey. The groom’s sister, Tamii Jo Chapman, and a friend, Jesse Alfrey served as witnesses. The wedding was officiated by Millie Chapman, sister-in-law of the groom. The couple honeymooned in Negril, Jamaica and will continue to make their home in North Douglas with their dog, Talon.

Norman Hughes was kicking back with a friend on the island of Maui, and watching the Hawaiian fishing show “Let’s Go Fishing,” when he saw a familiar site – Letnikof Cove. Television host Ben Wong was taking a tour of the historic cannery with Hugh and Harry Rietze and later set out with Stuart and Lexie DeWitt to fish for halibut. He also learned about subsistence fishing from Donald “Bosh” Hotch and later took an air boat ride up the Chilkat River to fish for cutthroat trout. The show was filmed during the summer of 2009 and originally aired Sept. 27, 2009.

Mardell Gunn and Mark “Diz” Kistler are home from three months of traveling in the Philippines and Japan. Mardell’s sister, Bonita Nordaas, has lived in Japan for 30 years, where she and her husband are missionaries. They plan to move in May, so Mardell and Diz made sure they spent time together this winter. They were in Japan for 10 days, but spent most of their vacation in the Philippines. They met Mardell’s niece and her husband in Iloilo and also met Patricia Faverty’s family. They stayed with Patricia’s mother for a night, and met six of Patricia’s siblings. They also spent three weeks with Gershon and Kerry Cohen on the island of Palawan where they spent plenty of time boating and snorkeling. A typhoon passed over them while they were traveling in December. While they weren’t in danger, they did witness extensive damage to boats and buildings. They volunteered for a week on an organic farm through the “Willing Workers on Organic Farms” program. They worked in the coffee fields and also weeded around perennial ferns that are sold as a local vegetable. Philippino cuisine relies heavily on meat, which made it difficult for Mardell and Diz to stick to their vegan diet. Abundant tropical fruits like mango, papaya and pineapple, however, were a frequent pleasure.

Phyllis Sage and Joanne Waterman were in Portland recently to visit Phyllis’ twin grandbabies, Alyson and Kali Quinn. They enjoyed playing with the 18-month-old girls and taking them on outings. They also saw former L.A.B. pilot Jill Smith and caught a show from Henry Hill of Hillstomp, who played at the SE Alaska State Fair last summer.

Marty Fowler is the new middle school photographer. Marty has been capturing sporting events at school and honing his craft with teacher Matt Davis, who helps Marty review his shots. Marty credits his start in photography to Gina Erny, who encouraged Marty early on, and to Bill McRoberts, who also helps Marty with tips and advice. Marty also took a photography class with Ron Horn, which helped him learn the specifics of shooting with a digital SLR camera, and is looking forward to going out with Ron to capture wildlife this summer.

Middle school wrestlers traveled to Juneau last weekend to attend the Southeast Alaska Junior High Regional Championship. Coach Dennis Durr brought 10 boys in grades 6 through 8 to compete against over 200 wrestlers from 15 Southeast schools. Standout showings included Zane Durr’s third-place win in the 115 lb. weight class and Kai Hays’ third-place standing in the 160 lb. weight class. The tournament was the culmination of twice-weekly practices and Durr noted the boys’ strong showing despite their lack of tournament experience. Middle school wrestlers who attended the tournament in addition to Durr and Hays were Cameron Bauer in the 85 lb. weight class; Charlie Bower, Ketch Jacobson and Parker Blair in the 90 lb. weight class; Dylan Swinton, 115 lb. weight class; Mori Hays, 127 lb. weight class; Tyler Murphy, 144 lb. weight class; and Hudson Sage, 160 lb. weight class. High school wrestlers Walker Blair and Dalton Tuohy acted as assistant coaches. Zane and Kai will attend the state tournament in Fairbanks in March, where up to 600 wrestlers are expected to compete.
