Community Snowshoe Lilly Lake Road, Saturday January 21st 10 a.m. $5 entry for two. Call Sarah Elliott 766-3428. (2f)

Rainbow Glacier Adventures Hiring Full-time Seasonal 2012 Operations Manager. Detail-oriented. Call Joe 767-5409.

Responsible 61-year-old male from Wisconsin looking to house sit in Haines. I have visited Haines twice in the last four years and would love to spend some time in the area. I have my own business and would be very flexible with the times. Please call John at 608-742-3300 and leave a message, or email me at [email protected]. (2-4b)

Women needed to volunteer to coach Girls on the Run (running program for 3rd-5th grade girls) this spring. If interested, contact Lindsey Moore at 766-6744.

WANTED to RENT: Home in Haines area or up the highway for March, April, May and June 2012. Non-smoking seniors, no pets. (907) 401-1041. (1cb)

HIRING NOW: Handyman and Housekeepers. Wages from $11/hour to $18/hour depending on employee qualification. Submit application to Thunderbird Motel, Haines or call (907) 766-2131. (1cb)

DRY CANADIAN LOGS for sale. Truckload quantities. Call Dimok Timber, 867-634-2311. (1cb)

1.3 acres Nukdik Point Subdivision (in townsite), power, telephone, water, with stunning water view, terms available, $150,000. Haines Real Estate 766-3510. (36cb)

5-bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, refurbished home – low or no down payment with HUD financing (limited amount available), buyer must qualify for HUD program sales price, $113,500. Haines Real Estate, 766-2240. (36cb)

2.8 acres waterfront, close to downtown, water, power, electric, driveway installed, potential terms, $285,000. Call Jim, Pam or Jeanne, Haines Real Estate 766-3510. (36cb)

FOR SALE: Chilkat Lake. 4 lots. $65,000, $10,000 downpayment, terms negotiable with owner. Call Haines Real Estate 766-3510. (1cb)
