Elizabeth Margaret Davis was born Dec. 8 to Holly and Matt Davis at Juneau’s Family Birth Center. She weighed 7 lbs., 8 ounces. and measured 20.5 inches. Big brothers MarkLuke and John Caleb were in attendance. Matt’s niece, Joy Davis of Sitka, also stopped by. Matt’s parents, John and Peggy Davis, arrived in Juneau the next day. The couple lives in Indiana and traveled from Sitka where they were visiting Matt’s siblings. Holly’s parents, Margaret and Bob Plucker, met everyone at the ferry. When asked about the name of his sister at school, Luke replied, “My brother Mark says it’s Elizabeth Margaret Davis but I think it’s Meg.”



Chilkat Valley News co-founder Bill Hartmann said a recent trip to Haines last week was his Christmas present. Hartmann, who works as a certified nursing assistant in Hawthorne, Nev., spent nearly a week in Juneau visiting daughters Bethany, Heather and Naomi. While in the capital city, he had his picture taken with Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell during the holiday open house at the governor’s mansion. Hartmann, a Republican, said he apologized to Parnell for U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. Hartmann’s other daughters, Arianna and Marita, live in Texas.


The women of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church baked more than 100 pounds of cookies for their annual “Cookies by the Pound” sale Saturday. The money raised benefits the Salvation Army food baskets and other community needs throughout the year. Dick Flegel and Erwin Hertz were seen setting up the church’s full-size nativity scene outside the church this week.

The Uglys of Haines served up BBQ pork sandwiches and lasagna, and collected more than 100 Christmas gifts during their 10th annual “Gifts for Grub” dinner Saturday. The Uglys will distribute the gifts through the Salvation Army and to families in need. Call Chuck Mittman at 767-5451 or email [email protected] by Saturday to sign up a family.

The American Legion Auxiliary is gathering nonperishable food items to be used in holiday gift baskets. The group expects to distribute 25 baskets that will include a turkey, potatoes and plentiful canned and boxed items. Deliveries will be made Dec. 22. Donations are welcome up to Dec. 21 and may be dropped off downstairs at the American Legion from 2 p.m. until closing. Contact 766-2530.


Elementary students in grades K-4 performed “A Time of Celebration” Monday. This year’s holiday program was an original musical play written and directed by elementary music teacher Teresa Land. Students represented five Alaska Native tribes with stories, songs and dance. Alice Bachman sewed Yu’pik kuspuks for the entire kindergarten class, who danced with handmade dance fans. Lee Heinmiller and Alaska Indian Arts worked with students to fit them with appropriate Tlingit and Haida regalia including intricate button blankets worn by the “chiefs” in the fourth-grade class. The play celebrated the rituals and traditions of Alaska’s tribes.

Shields and Tim Hockin are back in Haines for the winter. They spent time in the Mojave Desert where Tim worked in tortoise research and Melina volunteered. They also visited Tim’s family outside Minneapolis and spent time with Scot Nichols and Coleus Taylor in Bellingham, Wash. Melina will work on her jewelry business this winter and is also creating commissioned pet portraits. Haas spent Thanksgiving with family in Port Townsend, Wash. She visited son Michael Haas, his wife Heather and their five children. June especially enjoyed the children’s Thanksgiving skit, the culmination of a homeschool project. June’s next trip will be to see daughter Kay Dunning and family in Savage, Minn. June’s granddaughter Ryanne Dunning is spending a semester in London as part of a college exchange program and grandson Michael is finishing his first semester at the University of Minnesota. Price is recuperating in Anchorage at the home of her son, Russell Price, and his family. Mary broke her hip earlier this fall. Write her c/o Lt. Col. Russell Price, 4129 Charing Cross Circle, Anchorage, AK 99504. Chaitanya Nichols was born Dec. 8 to Coleus Taylor and Scot Nichols. Finn arrived five weeks ahead of schedule but is strong and doing well. Finn weighed 4 lbs., 7 ounces and measured 16 inches. A friend and doula, Leslie Williams, attended the birth. Scot and Coleus are hosting Christmas at their home in Bellingham, Wash. Scot’s mom, Carol HartleyMarkowski, and her husband Rick Markowski will travel from Texas. Coleus’ mom and stepdad, Debi Knight Kennedy and Gene Kennedy, will also travel to Bellingham, as will Coleus’ sister Jasmine Taylor and niece Willow Bryant.
