Dear Editor of the Chilkat Valley News:
From 1945 to 1950 I lived in Haines, Alaska. My father, Kenneth F. Fox was pastor of the Haines and Klukwan Presbyterian Churches. A memory is of my father seeing the fishing boats arriving, and going to the dock to buy fish for our family to eat. It was delicious and wholesome.
I recently read where Constantine Metals is preparing to mine copper and zinc in the Palmer Project, leaving behind a sulfide deposit, which will contaminate the Glacier creek, Klehini and Chilkat Rivers.
Where will the salmon spawn when their systems are affected with the sulfide leaking into the waterways? Where will the eagles and bears come to feed when the salmon have forgotten their spawning grounds? Where will adults who love the Alaska salmon get their wholesome food? Contamination? Please stop Constantine Metals mining what will destroy so much.
By the way, I still visit the Haines area and love its beauty.
Margaret A. Fox