During my career I have written and implemented economic development plans. I have had councils that were supportive and some not so supportive, but, I have never had one shoot themselves in the foot the way the Haines Assembly does! This latest draft ordinance 19-04-529 is just another example of personal and special interest riding rough shod over the community. The assembly was way off (4-2) in support of the Stand for Salmon initiative while residents voted overwhelmingly against the initiative. You think you are representing the community because people (probably your like-minded friends) stop you on the street. I think most people don’t bother talking to you because you’re not open minded and they know it. And for most people getting elected on the assembly is not really an option. The meetings are long, contentious, and assembly members frequently get badgered into voting according to the dominant members’ point of view. If you really want to represent the community ask two questions on the next ballot. Tier 3: Yes or No. Constantine: Yes or No I think you will be surprised.

Elaine Bell
