Tim June and Sue Nelson returned from the 45th annual Alaska Folk Festival in Juneau, which hosted more than 125 musicians and bands.June said his favorite band was the headliner “Teximaniacs” from San Antonio, Texas. “I hope we can bring them to the fair sometime,” June said. “They were incredible.” Burl Sheldon, Nancy Berland and Tom Heywood performed Thursday night. They were missing two of their bandmates. They called themselves “Curly Slim and Friend.” “We played at Centennial Hall on Thursday night,” Berland said. “We shut her down; we were the last act.” June and Nelson also said hello to former residents Len Feldman and Katya Kirsch who performed as members of “Sweet Sunny North.” Spencer Douthit attended the festival and called a square dance during an open mic call event Friday evening.
Haines sixth-graders Hayden Jimenez and Lucia Chapell were recognized in the University of Alaska Anchorage Daily News’ non-fiction essay contest. Chapell won first prize in her division and Jimenez received an honorable mention. Both essays will be published on the Anchorage Daily News website. Chapell’s non-fiction essay detailed her family’s account of losing their dog, Jago, on a camping trip. When hope was all but lost, their friend Matt Whitman found and rescued Jago, who had been trapped under rocks and was in danger of an oncoming tide. For her essay, Chapell won a cash prize and the essay is now up for consideration for the grand prize. The essays were originally assigned by middle school language arts teacher Lisa Andriesen.
The Haines superintendent and members of the school board returned from Juneau last week, where they joined with members of 30 other school districts to speak to legislators about the effects of the governor’s proposed budget which would cute approximately 25 percent of school funding in Haines. On Sunday, superintendent Roy Getchell, school board president Anne Marie Palmieri, vice president Sara Chapell and member Shelly Sloper met with Donna Arduin, the architect of the governor’s budget. “It was an opportunity to learn and talk,” said Chapell, but she felt that the discussion was “not on fair or genuine terms.” On Monday they met with house representatives and senators, including Senator Chris Birch. “It was heartening to talk to legislators who were working for all Alaskans,” Chapell said.
Tracey Harmon and Gabe Thomas welcomed the final season of Game of Thrones with a season premiere kickoff party, complete with Game of Thrones Jeopardy and plenty of medieval- inspired foods. This is the second year the couple hosted the party and two years ago Harmon dressed up as character Khaleesi.  
James Hart and Kevin Thompson attended the 84th annual tribal assembly of the Tlingit-Haida Central Council as elected delegates in Juneau April 10-12. The 110 delegates from communities in Southeast Alaska, Anchorage, Seattle and San Francisco received reports regarding the state of the state from senator Lisa Murkowski, senator Dan Sullivan, governor Mike Dunleavy and Alaska legislators. Delegates were given an opportunity to convey tribal concerns to the Alaska Delegation and to the Governor. James and Kevin met with their respective committees. “CIA is lucky to have some strong, humble and resilient young leaders who are willing to serve for the right reasons. Watching them in action makes me very proud,” Harriett Brouillette said.
Joe Parnell returned last week from a four-month pickle-ball tour of the United States, traveling to Montana, South Dakota, Arizona, Ohio and Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, Parnell played against Steve Cole, pickleball national champion of 2015. Parnell competed against tough competition, he said, and picked up a number of skills. “You have to dink! The hard shots don’t work.” A dink is a soft shot in pickleball. Parnell said he loves pickleball because it’s easily learned and is growing in popularity. “Like microwave popcorn, it just started popping.” Parnell said.
