Monday, Oct.21
Several callers reported a fireworks display launched in the harbor area at 5:15 a.m. Police were unable to locate the source of the fireworks.
A person reported a horse loose on Small Tracts Road. The horse’s owner reported they were attempting to capture it.
A caller reported a vehicle dropped trash on Small Tracts Road. Police responded and picked up the trash.
Another caller reported the same horse loose on Small Tracts Road seven hours after the first call. Those responsible said they were looking for the horse.
A caller reported loud music coming from a Main Street apartment. Police were advised.
Three traffic stops resulted in a warning for speeding and a citation given by the troopers.
Sunday, Oct. 20
A caller reported someone had slashed a tire on his son’s car while it was parked on Union Street. Police initiated a criminal mischief case.
Police conducted a traffic stop near 4 Mile Haines Highway and arrested a man for drunk driving. Police forwarded charges to the court.
Two traffic stops resulted in a citation by troopers and an arrest for driving under the influence.
Saturday, Oct. 19
An operator alerted dispatch of a man who had been pushed down on Small Tracts Road and was in need of assistance. Fire volunteers and police responded.
An anonymous caller asked for a welfare check on a man apparently passed out under a tree near .5 Mile Haines Highway. Police responded and determined the man was waiting for a ride.
A caller reported a confused man was dialing her number and looking for police assistance. Police found the man and determined he wasn’t in need of emergency services.
A caller reported skateboarders in the road on Haines Highway. Police responded and spoke with the complainant.
An operator contacted police for a man seeking emergency assistance. Police conducted a welfare check and helped the man, who was referred to the clinic.
Three traffic stops resulted in a warning for speeding and a citation from troopers.
Friday, Oct. 18
Troopers were advised of a motorist driving daily on the Haines Highway without taillights.
A woman reported receiving a fraudulent phone call from a man with a thick foreign accent who attempted to access personal information. The caller asked for the woman’s bank account number so she could be sent a new Social Security card.
Police placed a notice on an abandoned vehicle on Lutak Road which had been there for a month.
A caller reported a canoe partially submerged and stuck on a sandbar in the Chilkat River near 10 Mile Haines Highway. Troopers responded and helped the Canadian owners who hadn’t properly secured the vessel.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for speeding.
Thursday, Oct. 17
A caller reported seeing a vehicle driving near 22 Mile Haines Highway without taillights. Troopers were advised.
Three traffic stops resulted in a warning and two citations.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
A Second Avenue resident reported loud noises coming from an apartment. An officer was unavailable, but the incident was documented.
A third party reported a domestic violence assault near 1 Mile Haines Highway that occurred the previous night. Police investigated, but could not corroborate the initial report.
A person reported an abandoned vehicle at Third Avenue and Dalton Street that had been there for a week. Dispatch tried to make contact with the owner.
Dispatch received 11 medical calls and five canine calls.