Monday, Oct. 20

A Barnett Drive caller reported hearing bear activity at a neighbor’s house. The caller scared the bear away. Police, troopers and Fish and Game were advised.

A Comstock Road resident came to the station to report she had found her car door open earlier in the week. The woman said she only wanted to report the incident and didn’t want to initiate a case. Officers were advised.

An officer told a Small Tracts Road resident to clean garbage off his property.

A Whitehorse, Y.T., resident reported losing a camera while fishing in Haines.

Sunday, Oct. 19

Police initiated a case for the September thefts at the Small Boat Harbor after conducting follow-up interviews with a suspect. The case was forwarded to the district attorney for review.

A traffic stop at 4 Mile Lutak Road resulted in a warning for speeding.

Saturday, Oct. 18

A caller reported that sometime over the past three days, someone had gotten into unlocked vehicles on Comstock Road. The caller was unsure if anything had been taken.

A woman brought a bong to the station. She said she found the item on her property near Mathias Avenue.

A caller on Mud Bay Road reported a bear attempting to get into a shed where garbage is stored. An officer responded but didn’t find the bear.

A person asked for help with a domestic dispute near the intersection of Union Street and Fifth Avenue. Police responded and found some of the involved parties had left. Police contacted people involved and determined no assault had taken place and no one felt threatened.

A traffic stop on the Haines Highway resulted in a citation for driving while license revoked.

Friday, Oct. 17

Troopers arrested a man living at 7 Mile Haines Highway for theft and trespassing.

A traffic stop on Lutak Road resulted in a citation for speeding.

Thursday, Oct. 16

A caller reported someone threw a rock at his vehicle while he was driving near the skate park on Sawmill Road. The caller left, but believed the suspect was still there. An officer responded but wasn’t able to locate the suspect.

A Chilkoot Estates subdivision resident called to report a bear in the woods. The caller was concerned because his daughter was coming home soon. An officer responded and fired a cracker round at the bear, which ran away.

A Deishu Drive resident asked for help getting a woman with a bottle of liquor to leave the caller’s residence. The caller canceled the request and said the woman had left and they had locked the door.

Wednesday, Oct. 15

An officer spoke with a Sawmill Road resident to check on the status of garbage clean-up related to a bear call last week. The clean-up was still in progress. The officer warned the person to clean up or they would be cited.

A resident near the intersection of Old Haines Highway and Second Avenue reported a possible domestic assault. An officer responded and spoke with the alleged victim, who denied any assault or threats from anyone.

Tuesday, Oct. 14

A Haines resident reported losing a black leather wallet and set of keys.

Police served two protective orders on Haines residents.

The high school asked police to drive by due to recent bear activity in the area and there was a late activity finishing up at the school. An officer responded and stood by until the students were gone.

A resident at 27 Mile Haines Highway reported the theft of lumber from their property. Troopers were advised.

A traffic stop on Second Avenue resulted in a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign. 
