I didn’t know David Dzenawagis very well but I played hockey with him this winter. He was a good player, he skated fast with a bit of recklessness but he was fun to play with and always had on a friendly smile. He was usually the first one there and excited when enough people showed up to have a game. I was right behind him a few weeks ago when he crashed into another player and broke his tooth on their helmet. What would make most of us get off the ice, and others of us never play again, left David saying “Well…It doesn’t hurt…” and off he went to finish out the game. I saw him a few days later walking his big black dog and we briefly talked about his new tooth, the beautiful day and the next game. I often saw him out my office window walking by with his dog and a spring in his step. It seemed to me he had vigor for life. His passing was yet another reminder of how short our time can be here on this earth, how important a smile and positive attitude can matter, and how it affects those around you, even from a distance. It is the little things in life that sometimes matter the most. Namaste David, thanks for the reminder.
Renee Hoffman