Silvia Rose Lynch was born 5:05 a.m. Sept. 7 at Bartlett Hospital in Juneau to Stojanka and Nels Lynch. She weighed 7 lbs., 8 ounces, and measured 21.25 inches. Silvia joins big sister Lani, 18 months, who’s trying to help out with the diaper-changing. “Lani loves her little sister,” Stojanka said. Grandparents are Chip and Heather Lende and Holly Irwin.

Ron and Jacque Horn went to Lander, Wyo., for son Evan Horn and Anna Gast’s Sept. 1 wedding. Daughter Heather Paar of Seattle also attended, along with husband Joe Paar and daughters Pearle, 4, and Livia, 1. Ron and Jacque met Anna’s family from the San Francisco area for the first time, hiked, and rescued an abandoned puppy. Heather’s family took in the 12-week-old black Labrador they’ve named Lander. On the trip, Jacque and Pearle stumbled upon a rattlesnake, which was “kind of scary,” Jacque said. Ron and Jacque then headed to Albuquerque, N.M., where they visited Ron’s mom, Ruth Horn, 93.

Olive DelSol of Cottage Grove, Ore., began work as a KHNS intern last week. She’s “doing anything helpful in the news department” including learning news reporting and writing and possibly audio editing. “It’s been awesome,” she said. Her professor Dan Henry of Lane Community College in Eugene, Ore., gave her the application for the month-long internship made possible by a grant through the Alaska Broadcasters Association and secured by station news director Margaret Friedenauer. DelSol holds a degree in audio engineering and worked in her school’s music technician lab, tutoring technology students. She’s also a musician who gives accordion lessons.

Ron and Jean Smith celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary in Tenakee with Teresa and Larry Hura. The Aug. 24 anniversary coincided with Tenakee’s annual Cajun party. “I thought, gosh, this is kind of nice – not something we do all the time,” Jean said. She and Teresa also hit the hot springs each night.

Geneva Randles and Korey Comstock were married Sept. 7 at the Haines Borough Public Library, followed by the reception at the Chilkat Center. Priest Jan Hotze officiated and Geneva’s brother Riyan Stossel of Talkeetna gave her away. Guests included mother of the bride Amanda Randles, mother of the groom Sally Garton, grandmother of the bride Pam Randles and maid of honor Jolene Duncan of Kirkland, Wash. “It went fantastic,” Geneva said. “There was such excellent support from family and the community.” The newlyweds will honeymoon in Ketchikan visiting Korey’s sister, Shelby Garton and her new baby, and celebrating Korey’s birthday. Geneva, a barista, and Korey, who works for Community Waste Solutions, planned to make a downpayment on a home in Haines this week.

Jerry and Diana Pyle’s four-day visit with family from Houston was busy. Daughter Kathy and husband Scott came to Haines for the first time with children Rose, who visited last year, and Lorelai. The group hiked Battery Point Trail, went to Kroschel Wildlife Center, saw Haines wildlife, and crossed the border to Million Dollar Falls. Diana said the foursome wants to come back and stay longer.

Donna and Wayne Walter kept granddaughter Ashli Skapik and husband Aaron Skapik busy during their weeklong visit. The couple from Pittsburg, Kan. fished, crabbed, watched bears, rode ATVs and smoked salmon they caught aboard Wayne’s boat. Ashli came to Haines once as a child. Alaska first-timer Aaron didn’t want to go home. “They’ll be back,” Donna said.

Judith McDermaid made a 10-day trip to Racine, Wis., her hometown, to visit sister-in-law Bonnie Krug and friends of her brother, who recently died. She also visited son David McDermaid and caught up with childhood friends including Patricia Schacklet of Racine, a former Seward resident. Judith visited favorite restaurants and her old church. “I’m glad I had a chance to pay my respects to my brother’s wife and family and a chance to stay in touch with my old friends. Being this far away, it’s easy to lose track of people,” she said.

Henry Wong enjoyed a weeklong visit from son Brian Wong, wife Kelli, and children Brent and Laurel of Irvine, Calif. Their first time in Haines, the family went fishing and helped Henry drywall the house he’s building, saving him eight months of work, he said.

Leigh and Greg Horner celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary Aug. 31 at the Klondike. The couple partied with about 30 friends. Greg and son Marley played in the band The Irish Lords that was performing at the pizzeria that night.

Nearly 30 Haines runners participated in last weekend’s Klondike International Road Relay. The Haines Slackmasters placed 11th among 48 mixed teams in 15:57:39. The Haines all-women’s team “Mountain Mamas Gone Mad” placed fifth among 23 women’s teams in 17:26:02. Haines runners Eric Forster and Jonathan Wood participated on the Juneau team “Alaska Rod’s,” which placed 26th among the 48 mixed teams with a total time of 17:46:45. Haines runners Lilly BoronMichelle Byer and Michael Byer competed on the Juneau team “Witness the Fitness,” which placed 16th among 28 open teams in 17:59:13. Lisa Schwartz participated on Juneau walking team “CAVITY SEARHC.” The four-person team walked 44 miles and placed seventh among eight walking teams in 11:55:08.

Terry Menaker Lambert and husband James Lambert were in Haines three days to see Terry’s dad Ray Menaker and visit brother Allen Menaker and wife Jan, who were down from Fairbanks. Terry said highlights included reconnecting with schoolmates including Doris BellKathy BerzanskePaul NelsonEmily Zimbrich, and Debra Schnabel. Terry also was planning to visit daughter Natalie Lambert in Springfield, Ill. before returning home to England.

Davey Ozahowski, organizer of the first White Fang Night, called the event a success. “Everyone seemed enthusiastic about it.” About 100 people turned out Saturday to watch the 1991 Disney film shot in and around Haines. The night included talks about the film by Ozahowski, tour guide Joe Ordonez and resident Jono Greene. Ozahowski said he’d like to expand the event next year, possibly as a weekend arts festival, complete with dogs and period dress. The showing raised $270 in donations, to be split between the Venturer Scouts, Girl Scouts and Haines Animal Rescue Kennel.
