Monday, Sept. 16

A caller reported a parked vehicle blocking traffic near Third Avenue and Deishu Drive. Police responded but the vehicle had been moved.

Two traffic stops resulted in a warning for speeding.

Sunday, Sept. 15

A Main Street bar owner sought a police walkthrough to keep the peace. Police responded and found everything was fine.

A caller in the Comstock Road area reported partiers “yelling at the moon” nearby. Police responded and the partiers promised to quiet down.

A Small Tracts Road resident said he was concerned about whether a person had a working septic system. Police referred the report to the borough’s planning and zoning department.

  A River Road resident reported receiving a letter from another person regarding an ongoing parking dispute.

A caller reported a bear being watched by people near the harbor. The caller felt the bear was probably starving and that the people were too close. Police responded and directed the bear toward Lutak Road.

A person reported seeing a bright light over a business near 1 Mile Haines Highway. The person was concerned it was a fire. Police responded and found no fire or light.

Saturday, Sept. 14

Dispatch received an accidental dial.

Friday, Sept. 13

A caller reported a vehicle slid down an embankment near 7 Mile Lutak Road. Troopers contacted the vehicle owner at his residence.

A caller reported a car battery in the middle of Small Tracts Road. Police determined it was a cardboard box.

A guest at a Fort Seward bed and breakfast called to report a dog had swallowed raisins. The guest requested the phone number of the lodge owners so they could be notified.

An overdue aircraft was reported. Police investigated and determined the aircraft was not at the Haines Airport. The flight service said the aircraft had been located.

A traffic stop resulted in a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign.

Thursday, Sept. 12

A caller reported a motorhome parked at the Port Chilkoot Dock that had been there since the morning. Police issued a written warning.

A caller reported a young bear near the Senior Village. Police responded and the bear had moved into the woods.

A transportation service reported receiving prank phone calls from someone apparently in a bar. The person would call and request a ride from one location, not show up, and then call and request a ride from the opposite side of town. Police are investigating.

A traffic stop resulted in a citation for driving while license revoked. 

Wednesday, Sept. 11

A caller reported a man riding a bicycle in town and telling people he would be giving free tours to see bears. Police did not locate the man but are investigating.

A utilities employee reported a residence that appeared unoccupied for three days was housing dogs. The employee was unsure of the status of the dogs. Police contacted the homeowner and housesitter who said the dogs were being taken care of on a daily basis.

Police initiated a case for driving with a revoked license. Police pulled the man over on Small Tracts Road and determined he was driving a moped without a valid license.

A Beach Road caller reported toxic smoke coming from burning plastics or other material. Fire personnel responded and found no fire or smoke in the area.

A caller reported no water at his Muncaster Road residence. Dispatch told him Southeast Roadbuilders was doing work in the area.

A caller reported a vehicle shined its lights into his vehicle in a pullout near the ferry terminal. The caller was concerned the person was scoping out his vehicle. Police determined both vehicles were spending the night in the pullout before getting on the ferry the next day.

A person reported a mudslide near 20 Mile Haines Highway. State road crews responded and found a mudslide at 19 Mile as well. Crews were unable to clear the road immediately due to lack of light, but closed the road the next morning and removed the debris.

Tuesday, Sept. 10

A business employee at 0 Mile Haines Highway reported an intoxicated man. Police helped the man get medical treatment.

A person reported an aircraft 30 minutes late reporting in. The flight service soon reported the aircraft had been located.

An out-of-town caller requested information on the possible incarceration of her children. Police had no information and referred the woman to a Juneau facility.

A caller reported a suspicious and armed male in the Porcupine area. Troopers and police responded and determined there was no criminal activity.

A person reported a bear on the beach near the harbor. It was not aggressive or causing problems.

A traffic stop resulted in a warning for speeding.

Dispatch received 11 medical calls and five canine calls.
