A trifecta of sun, powder snow and fun-loving outdoor community made the third annual Kat to Koot alpine adventure race an unequivocal success, and certainly burned a positive image of our town in the minds of more than 30 visitors. A total of 68 skiers, snowboarders and snowshoers aged 16-60 from six different communities traveled up and over Mt. Ripinski Saturday, raising $1800 for race expenses and the Haines Huts project.

Our community’s generosity was displayed just as prominently as our spectacular terrain. Kat to Koot wouldn’t have happened without volunteers Beth Douthit, Jess Kayser Forster, Rachel Saitzyk, Sylvia Heinz, Chad Beiberich, Jeff Moskowitz, Jen Talley, Ben Williams, Andy Hedden, Jason Eson, Ray Reeves, Jonny and Leslie Cromwell, Brad Ryan, and the amazing women at the Fair.

Special thanks to our double black diamond sponsors Fairweather Ski Works, Harris Air, Alaska Seaplanes, Lutak Lumber, and SEARHC for their substantial donations and to ALL of the other businesses that donated prizes, money, gear and support. Your establishments make our community richer and make us happy to buy local!

Huge thanks to everyone who raced, volunteered and sponsored the 2019 Kat to Koot!

Lindsay Johnson
